Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Streams in Taylor Valley

We have been spending the last days preparing to gage the following streams:

Map of Taylor Valley

List of streamgages shown on the map:

Site Number Stream
1 Canada Stream
2 Huey Creek
3 Lost Seal Stream
4 Aiken Creek
5 Von Guerard Stream
6 Crescent Stream
7 Delta Stream
8 Green Creek
9 Andersen Creek
10 House Stream
11 Priscu Stream
12 Santa Fe Stream
13 Commonwealth Stream
16 Lawson Creek
17 Harnish Creek
19 Lyons Creek
20 Harnish Creek Tributary

Can you find them all on the map?

According to the USGS, Stream-gaging consists of the following Streamflow Data:

1. Stage - which is the height of the water surface above a reference elevation.

2. Discharge - the measurement of cross-sectional area and the velocity of the flowing water.

• We use a pgymy meter to measure the velocity of the water. A Pgymy meter consists of a spinning set of 'cups' that rotate in the water and spin around to measure the water speed.

Other measurements we make at the streams are for water quality:

pH, Anions, Cations, Nutrients and Dissolved O2. We are interested in the amount and type of ions (ie Ca2+, K+,Na+, Cl-, HCO3-,SO3-)

Find the elements that form these ions on the Periodic Table:

We are off to the Wright Valley to gage the streams there........

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