Monday, November 16, 2009

Home Base .....Part 2: We Have Arrived!

Our scheduled Helo drop was turned into a hike over the Glacier -- and it was well worth it!

Our day started out ominous.....

But once we rounded Canada Glacier - the skies cleared.....

And we had a glorious day...

And we arrived home.....Lake Fyrxell (F6)

And the work began.......I chopped the lake ice to melt for drinking water....

Chopping ice and 'picking glacier berries' will be our supply of water for drinking and cooking. No other place on the planet can you drink straight from the Glacier!

We are off to open Stream Gauges:
F1 (Canada Stream)
F2 (Huey)
F3(Lost Seal)
F5 (Aiken)
F6 (Von Guerard)
and F10(Delta)......

More on Stream Gauging, Water Sampling and Surveying to come......

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