Monday, November 2, 2009

Snow School ie "Happy Camper School"

By far my favorite training has been "happy camper" school. We were brought out onto the Ross Island Ice Shelf and left with shovel, saw (what the heck do i do with a saw!) and our ECW (Extreme Weather Gear). Happy Camper, you was indeed an experience!

We were instructed how to build a quinzee, a snow block wall, and a "trench" -- these are all shelters to get out of the weather and SURVIVE. We must have been successful as I have all my fingers and toes (plus my ears and nose!) It was a stunning night with Mt. Erebus "puffing" in the background. Stay tuned for more information on Mt. Erebus (because a volcano in Antarctica deserves its OWN blog!)


  1. Congratulations! What an amazing experience! Will you be conducting research once the trainings are complete? What is/will be your focus? I can't wait to hear more about your time there! - Charlene (Greski) Wetterstrand

  2. amazing the sun on that snow...hope your glacier goggles are protecting you well!-Anjali
